What Does Your Calf Muscle Do?

What Does Your Calf Muscle Do?

Your calf muscle, located at the back of your lower leg, plays an important role in your body's circulatory system. This muscle helps to pump blood out of your leg and back up toward your heart.

The heart is the main pump of the circulatory system, delivering oxygen-rich blood to every part of the body. Once the blood has reached the extremities, the veins have to carry the oxygen-depleted blood back to the heart so it can get replenished with oxygen in the lungs.

However, since the blood has to flow against gravity to return to the heart, a single pump from the heart isn't enough. This is where the calf muscle comes in. When the calf muscle contracts, it helps to push the blood back up the veins toward the heart.

Without this extra pumping action from the calf muscle, blood and toxins can collect in the lower legs, leading to swelling and poor circulation. Improving circulation is key for overall health, as it ensures that oxygen and nutrients are being delivered efficiently to your vital organs.

The best way to keep your calf muscles working well is to stay active. The best way to do that while sitting is to pump the Sitflexx. Every time you move your legs and contract the calf muscle, you're giving your circulation a boost. Pumping the Sitflexx regularly will make a big difference.  A very cool thing about using the Sitflexx is that you can do it almost absentmindedly.
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