Did you know you have a "second heart"? It’s not in your chest, but in your legs

Did you know you have a "second heart"? It’s not in your chest, but in your legs

Did you know you have a "second heart"? It’s not in your chest, but in your legs. Your calf muscles play a crucial role in your body’s circulatory system, earning them the nickname "the secondary heart." 
What Does Your Calf Muscle Do?
Your calf muscle, located at the back of your lower leg, helps pump blood back to your heart. It works alongside your heart to keep blood circulating, which is essential for removing toxins through your lungs, kidneys, and liver.
Your heart pumps oxygen-rich blood throughout your body. Once this blood reaches your lower legs, it has to travel back to the heart. This return journey is challenging because it’s against gravity. Here’s where your calf muscles come in. When they contract, they help push blood upward, aiding your heart’s effort.
How to Take Care of Your Calf Muscles?
The best way to keep your calf muscles—and your circulation—healthy is to stay active. Movement encourages your calf muscles to contract, which supports blood flow back to your heart. Without regular movement, blood and toxins can pool in your lower legs, leading to swelling and discomfort.
Sitflexx is designed to help you keep moving, even when you’re seated. By gently pumping up and down, it keeps your calf muscles engaged, improving circulation and promoting overall health. Take care of your "second heart" and feel the benefits throughout your entire body!
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